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Why World Race? Answer: I am a child of mission. I am a child of the Lord. And there are millions of us out in the world.


Now, I have always loved traveling and seeing the world. I was born overseas while my parents were serving as missionaries in Budapest, Hungary. Even now with my dad’s work, my family frequently returns to Europe to explore.

While living in the states, my family and I had the opportunity to go back and serve the Hungarians on short term mission trips. For six summers, I learned how powerful God’s love is. Each day I was there in Hungary, teaching at children’s camps, it would take only a smile from me to brighten up the kids’ days. I got the quiet kids to laugh with me and the moody tweens to dance silly during worship time. They were saying “I love you, Elise” by day two and by the end of the week, they were saying “I love God.” 

There is no other way to explain that than the power of God and seeing that first hand. Even at age eleven, I cried tears of joy. If God can use me in 10 days to not only change those kids’ lives but mine as well, I am beyond excited to see what nine months will look like.


I first heard about the World Race from my very dear friend, Sydney Helton, who has been on the gap year trip this past year. When I heard she was leaving for 9 months, I was extremely devastated but then I wondered. She had only a year left of college and then she would have her degree. Why would she drop everything and leave the country when she was so close to something so certain?

When I asked her why she was going on the race, she simply said “Because He told me to.” 

When making decisions, I overthink every aspect and double check to make sure that I will be ok. But that isn’t faith. I set up ideas of what my future will look like in my own perfect way. But that isn’t faith. I have held on to that idea so tightly and dismissed anything that would get in the way. But that isn’t faith. 

When God calls you to do something that isn’t the certain, perfect future, I believe that God has something even better instore than I could ever imagine.

So, in the midst of auditioning from multiple theater colleges, performing in shows, and striving to academically stay afloat, God said “I’m sending you.”

So, why World Race? Because it is scary and uncertain. Because I will be away from home for 9 months. Because I will be around insects constantly. Because it is uncomfortable.

The day before I decided to confirm going on the World Race, I was praying during my quiet time and asking God what I should do. In the margin of my Bible, in the passage of Isaiah 6, I wrote,

“Lord, you do your best work in the awkward and uncomfortable. If you are sending me Lord, send me to where I’ll be challenged. Give me the gross or hard tasks. I am ready.”

Why World Race?

Because I am ready for God to change and challenge me. 

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